Monday, October 8, 2007

T-12 Days and Counting

In 12 days, I will be floating around somewhere over Colorado. Today in class we did the first of two partial experiments. We have already done the experiments I will be doing in zero gravity here on earth and today we started the process for conducting the experiments in zero g. Today we worked on oil and water. We asked questions that we wanted answered and began to form hypotheses. I was pretty impressed with some of the thoughts the kids had. Tomorrow I am collecting them and will run a more detailed list but so far the kids have come up with:

· The oil will float to the top of the bottle with the water at the bottom leaving air between the two.
· The two will mix in the middle of the bottle because there is no gravity so the oil wouldn’t go to the top.
·One will float to the top and the other below it forming layers, this is random and if shaken again, the other might go to the top.

I can’t wait to see the whole list tomorrow. We really worked on getting a lot of specific information into the hypothesis so that anyone that reads it knows exactly what we think will happen.

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